Intro to Data Science

In this 1-unit course, students learn data science fundamentals that are more in tune with their applications to business; essentially, how the field is applied in the real-world. Students are provided with a comprehensive overview of data science and artificial intelligence—what they are and what they’re not. Students are also exposed to the current state of data science and its future direction(s). The class has data science practitioners share their experiences—from how companies come up with a data strategy toward becoming a truly data-driven organization, to building data science teams, to learning about the challenges companies faced and are currently facing. Participants learn about data workflows and pipelines; they will learn and appreciate how to assemble and lead data science enterprises. Finally, the course also covers the fundamentals of data privacy and data/AI ethics.

Here are some essays from my students on their thoughts about and experience in IDS.

Erika Fille Legara
Managing Director

My research interests include complexity science, network science, artificial intelligence, and computational social science.
