Data Viz and Storytelling

In this course, students will learn to appreciate the importance of successful data visualizations and intelligible stories in communicating insights. Using real-world datasets, learners will gain the necessary skills to fashion effective vizzes that …

Intro to Data Science

In this course, students learn data science fundamentals that are more in tune with their applications to business; essentially, how the field is applied in the real-world. Students are provided with a comprehensive overview of data science and …

Complexity Science

Complex Systems are systems composed of heterogeneous agents that are highly interacting and whose interactions result to emergent behavior, e.g. societies, economies, markets, cities, and biological systems like the immune system and the brain, to …

Business Analytics

This course introduces participants to the latest trends in analytics in the era of big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. The course explores various data-driven approaches, frameworks, and models used by different industries …

Building Your Career Is More Than Technical

Here, I share insights and advice from my experience as the Academic Program Director of the Asian Institute of Management's MSc in Data Science program from 2017 to 2024. Reflecting on the recurring questions from graduating students about career …

Reflecting on Seven Incredible Years as APD of the MSc in Data Science

Yesterday, we welcomed the ninth cohort of MSDS students at the Asian Institute of Management. It's so surreal that we're here... What's more surreal is that this will be the last time I'll welcome a cohort as Program Director. As I step down after …

Driving Efficiency Innovation Through Enterprise AI Collaboration

Here, I share a groundbreaking two-year AI R&D project at the Asian Institute of Management, showcasing the power of triple helix collaboration between academia, industry, and government. Our team developed ensemble deep learning models to automate …